Hello, my name is Gaia, and I am from Italy. I am currently working as a PhD researcher at Amsterdam UMC, in the Netherlands. My internal supervisors are Fawad Taj and Mai Chin A Paw, and my external...
What’s your name and where are you from? My name is Henrik de Renouard Eckmann, and I am from Denmark. 2. Where are you based and who are your supervisors? I’m currently studying at the University...
The Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition is all about making complex research accessible, and Usman transformed his research into simple storytelling. His pitch shines through in its clarity and...
When: 27-May to 31-May 2024 Where: Trondheim, Norway Background: According to the project plan, every year, LABDA Academy will arrange training sessions on different topics in different locations...
When: 17-21 June 2024 Where: Rennes, France The LABDA consortium recently attended the 2024 ICAMPAM Conference in Rennes, where many LABDA fellows presented multiple insights from their research...
In the LABDA midterm meeting on March 15th, 2024, university and industry partners and the 12 LABDA fellows presented themselves and proudly showcased the advancements to the EU project officer, ...
When: 18th to the 20th October 2023 Where: Amsterdam, The Netherlands Background: According to the project plan, every year, LABDA Academy will arrange training sessions on different topics...